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Did you know? Amazing cinnamon benefits

Updated on June 25, 2013

One of my favorite spices.

You know you love this spice as much as I do. Maybe not, but you've enjoyed it for sure on your toast, tea, coffee, cake, pie, etc

There's just something about it that says "Let's get the taste bud party started baby!"

I've been eating cinnamon all of my life and only recently have I picked up on the actual health benefits. It's been known to cure all sorts of ailments as well as spice up the life of your desserts!

The goal in this hub is to detail out amazing facts about cinnamon as well as the health benefits that you gain from using it.

Let's make those brains bigger!

An interesting fact about Cinnamon.

  • Scholars believe, during ancient times, that cinnamon was worth more than gold. It's also mentioned in the Bible numerous times.

Anti-inflammatory solution.

So you like heavy amounts of fatty and fried foods? Well, I hope you like the heartburn that's associated with all of that. Indulging in heavy amounts of these type of foods leads to things like heart disease and inflammation of your artery walls.

Natural Health doctors are now claiming that cinnamon actually helps to decrease the inflammation that can lead to heart disease. BIG WIN!

Dear God, thank you for cinnamon.
Dear God, thank you for cinnamon.

Constipation. Fun times.

So you're having a problem with that oh-so-necessary BM? Not to worry, Cinna-Man to the rescue! With an awesome display of his mighty spice powers, he'll have you hitting the bathroom again in no time!

Cinnamon contains so much dietary fiber that it's actually been known to clear up IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). That explains why my grandfather puts it on his oatmeal.

Another interesting fact.

  • There are actually 4 different types of cinnamon grown, the type in North America that's most prevalent is called Cassia cinnamon.

Headaches and migraines.

Oh man, talk about one of the worst pains in the world besides giving birth.......I'll give you 5 seconds more on that one.

I have friends of mine that can't even go to work because of a horrible migraine headache from time to time. Thankfully, cinnamon is a great remedy for this. Doctors are claiming a healthy dose a day will help to keep the headaches away.

Memory Improvement.

I hate to say that I'm a scatter-brain, but there are just those times that I will walk from one room to another and forget why I went in there. Can you relate?

This sounds kinda crazy but doctors are claiming that even the smell of cinnamon will improve memory and mental tasking. There's also some that claim that it can help to cure Alzheimer's disease. That's high praise.

Yummy Yum Yum.

Are you a cinnamon lover?

See results


Are you a diabetic? Do you have a family history relating to diabetes? Never fear, there's great news in the realm of natural health.

If you have Type 2 diabetes, there's evidence released in a 2003 study that proves cinnamon helps to cure your ailment. In the study, patients were given 1 milligram of cinnamon a day for 40 days. Blood sugar levels and LDL cholesterol levels were significantly reduced over this period of time and even after they stopped taking their regular allotment of cinnamon.

* Now I'm not advocating that you should stop taking your prescribed medicines or supplement them with cinnamon, but it's definitely beneficial for your health in the end.

Cinnamon tea.
Cinnamon tea.

Cough and cold cure.

So you have a problem with a nagging cough? Summon Cinna-Man to fight that bad boy for you and release you from Cough's nasty grip!

The Chinese have been using this as a natural cough and cold remedy for years.

How can it be used you ask? Here are a few ways:

  • Sore throat - Drink a cup of cinnamon tea. Add a cinnamon stick to a cup of water and bring to a boil. Take the stick out and drink. Try this twice a day for a few days and see if that clears it up. If not, get a doctor.
  • Cough - Warm up a few spoonfuls of honey and add a tiny bit of cinnamon to it. Should clear up within a few days.

Prevents colon cancer.

Cinnamon is very rich in minerals such as iron and calcium. It's got a great combination of fiber and calcium that helps to protect your colon. How does it do this? It helps to remove the bile that collects in your colon over time. A great way to clean yourself out.


Oh man, someone pass me the Orajel, my tooth is killing me! Don't you hate it when this happens?

Thankfully you can do something about it with a simple home remedy.

You can actually make a paste out of 5 spoonfuls of honey to one spoonful of cinnamon and store in some kind of container at room temperature.

Put this on your tooth a few times a day and you should see a decrease in your pain.

Yeast infection.

Cinnamon is actually known to be an antifungal spice. For instance, it helps to fight against the fungus that causes Yeast infection. So while it may not be a cure per se, it does help to prevent against this!

Wow, really?

Cinnamon is actually a type of bark that comes from trees and then dried and rolled into quills.

Prevents stomach ulcers.

Oh man, I know people that have these and they have to watch each and every single thing they eat because of them.

The anti-bacterial properties of this spice will actually help to fight the bacteria Helicobacter pylori which actually causes the ulcers to begin with.

Anyone out there with these, hop on the cinnamon train now!

Dumb things to do with cinnamon! Try not to laugh too hard.

Final thoughts and cautions.

Obviously sometimes too much of a good thing can be bad too.

  • If you're someone who has liver issues, too much cinnamon can actually be toxic to you.
  • Current cancer patients should talk to their doctors before trying a cinnamon regimen.
  • Don't take too much or your mouth and lips will pay for it. Moderation is key!
  • Because cinnamon has properties that can thin your blood over time, check with your doctor before trying to use cinnamon with any medications you may be on.

As always guys, thanks so much for reading and I hope you learned something from it!

KASMAN will return with another hub soon!


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